Dalyan Hortum Boru ve Bağlantı Elemanları company was founded in 2009 to offer fittings, connection pieces, hoses, pipes etc. products to various industrial sectors.
Since 2009 we have been offering services to world’s leading production companies by acting as their distributor and representative in Turkey. We offer services as the distributor of John Guest,
Reliance, Valpar and Micro Matic companies which won many awards in their fields; their products not only guarantee the best quality but also high performance, time-saving and ease of application.
We offer services to various and many sectors mainly including: beverages, water purification, white goods, medical products, boat production, construction, heating and air conditioning,
installations and insulation.
In addition to the product sales we also offer technical services before and after the sales in order to share our long years of experience and knowledge with our business partners.